June 2023 | Flow
NOTE: This was originally published as part of my newsletter in June 2023. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive the next Om Letter direct to your inbox once a month.
As those of you who attend my classes in person will be well aware of, I’m not usually a big storyteller, but as we begin to journey through the subtle body I thought it would be worth sharing one of my favourites - so settle yourself in… This is the origin story of the universe according to Tantric belief (I’m referring to real Tantra here - not the Neo-Tantra movement popularised by Sting and his wife Trudie who spent much of the 90’s talking about their sex life on TV chat shows).
The ancient Tantrikas believed that in the beginning there was Brahman. Brahman is often described as a Universal energy akin to a boundless ocean. At some point Brahman developed the desire to experience itself by becoming manifest.
Since it was the One, it represented all there is and ever would be. The only way it could create differentiation, distinction and separation was by splitting itself into two polar opposites. Some like to interpret this moment as the Big Bang. This resulted in the creation of Shiva and Shakti (often considered the masculine and feminine aspects of the universe, though this is an oversimplification) - it was this separation that made the manifest universe possible.
Shiva became the template for pure consciousness (known as atman) and Shakti came to represent our true nature (or prakriti). It is the constant interplay of these two polar opposites that creates the illusion of existence and a separate self (referred to as ahamkara). The practices of yoga and meditation were created to enable us to lift this veil and recognise the interconnectedness of everything around us.
Each life form within this infinite universe is gifted a single drop of Brahman’s essence as it comes into existence. Every person, animal or plant holds this one drop of universality within them.
The Tantrikas interpret the first dividing of a cell after fertilisation occurs as a replay of the separation of Shiva and Shakti’s energies from that single drop of Brahman. As these two opposing energies cannot co-exist they reside in different parts of the body. Within humans Shakti is said to form a snake (known as the kunda) that coils around itself three and a half times and is housed within the sacrum at the base of the spine. There, she longs to reunite with her beloved Shiva who resides at the crown of the head (sahasrara chakra).
Tantric practices (meditation in particular) involve guiding Shakti’s creative power during her ascent along shushumna nadi, an energetic channel that sits about an inch in front of the spine. When she reaches Shiva (usually within the space above the head or around the heart), the two reunite in an explosion of light known as enlightenment. This light extinguishes all sense of the opposition and polarity within us so that non-duality is restored.
I hope this brief tale has given you a little bit of context and sparked your curiosity as we continue to explore the more subtle parts of yoga over the coming months. And, although the weather might continuously tempt you outdoors, or incline you towards overfilling your social calendar, I hope you still carve out some time to rest and restore.
With love,
OM x
Monthly Mantra
“We have more in common than that which divides us.”
Jo Cox
June Playlist
Let’s keep following the sounds of Summer as we move (or rather perspire) through these warmer months
Featured Flow
Treat your body to this full body flow - a simple, but well-rounded practice for when you’re short on time
Reading Recommendation
If you’re to pack some light (to be taken literally) holiday reading, then this tantric interpretation of the yoga sutras written by the founder of my yoga lineage and co-authored by one of our senior teachers, is a lovely bit of wisdom to dive in and out of while you’re by the pool
Thank you for reading - if you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email.
Copyright © 2023
Oceana Mariani